This category is for our products which have been retired from our catalog and is no longer for sale. This page is made available for those looking for info.
If you need any of these products you may get in touch with us for production.
This controller board has: One Thermocouple inputOne power mosfet output
Learn to code with this fidget spinner First-come, first-served (FCFS)
One thermistor inputOne power mosfet output
The aim of this board is to let you learn basic input output functions in electronics.
Two thermocouple inputTwo power mosfet output
This board is designed based on Texas Instrument DRV8818 Stepper Motor Controller IC
This board is based on Allegro Microsystems A3977 Stepper Motor Driver IC.
This breakout board helps you to get the input pins to screw terminals
This board is designed based on THB6064 Stepper Motor Controller IC
This board is designed based on Texas Instrument DRV8818 Stepper Motor Controller IC